Special Semester on Quantitative Biology analyzed by Mathematical Methods
Linz, October 1, 2007 - January 27, 2008
The integration of cell division and morphogenesis: a combined computational and experimental approach

Workshop on Pattern Formation and Functional Morphology, Thu, 10 Jan, 2008

Speaker: Andrew Fleming


The cellular basis of life has been a biological paradigm for over three centuries. It seems self-evident that the number and frequency of cell divisions should play a major role in determining the form of an organism- both its size and shape. Despite this intuitive expectation, critical analysis of experiments in both animals and plants reveals "anomalies" in which the relationship between cell division and morphology is not clear. Using the plant leaf as an experimental organ, we are exploring the rules relating cell division and morphology. Our approach involves using advanced imaging techniques to capture the patterns of cell division during the earliest stages of leaf development, computational approaches to identify potential links between cell division pattern and organ size and shape, and, finally, novel molecular biology tools to locally and transiently manipulate cell division patterns in the growing organ to see whether a causal relationship between division pattern and morphogenesis is observed. Progress on this integrative approach to understanding plant morphogenesis will be reported.

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