Special Semester on Quantitative Biology analyzed by Mathematical Methods
Linz, October 1, 2007 - January 27, 2008
Large scale numerical simulations of bone structures using iterative methods

Workshop on Biomechanics and Chemotaxis, Thu, 13 Dec, 2007

Speaker: Maya Neytcheva


Bone, as many biological tissues, is subjected to various mechanical forces and are exposed to deformation. Understanding and analyzing tissue mechanics and in particular, bone structures, is nowadays of big importance for various applications in Bone and Orthopaedic Biomechanics.

It is now well known that when capturing the porous structure of the bone, using for example the so-called micro-FEM technique, very large scale numerical models occur and easily reach hundreds of millions of degrees of freedom. Already storing the models in a computer is a challenge.
To perform such numerical simulations requires special numerical methods, as well as high performance parallel computers to enable fast numerical simulations.

The talk will discuss the results of a comparative study using different preconditioned iterative solution methods to answer the question "Can we use numerically more efficient but computationally more heavy preconditioners, of which type and for how large problems?"

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