Special Semester on Quantitative Biology analyzed by Mathematical Methods
Linz, October 1, 2007 - January 27, 2008
Pattern formation from a volume filling chemotaxis model

Workshop on Biomechanics and Chemotaxis, Mon, 10 Dec, 2007

Speaker: Zhian Wang


Mesenchymal motion is a form of cellular movement through tissues which are formed from fibre networks. Cells migrate in fibre networks and change their directions according to the orientation distribution of fibres. Moreover, cells actively remodel the matrix by excreting matrix degrading enzyme (e.g. protease). An example is the invasion of tumor metastases through collagen networks. The mesoscopic and macroscopic models of mesenchymal motion were derived by Thomas Hillen (2006) and the numerical solutions are studied by Kevin Painter (2007). In my talk, I will present a comprehensive analysis for the one dimensional and multidimensional mesenchymal motion model including global existence of classical solutions, stationary solutions, macroscopic limits and traveling waves.

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