Special Semester on Quantitative Biology analyzed by Mathematical Methods
Linz, October 1, 2007 - January 27, 2008
Surface phase separation and flow in models of multicomponent vesicles

Workshop on Ion Channels, Mon, 08 Oct, 2007

Speaker: John Lowengrub


We introduce and investigate numerically a thermodynamically
consistent simple model of a vesicle in which the interfacial surface
contains multiple constitutive components (e.g. amphiphilic molecules).
The model describes the nonlinear coupling among the flow, drop/vesicle
morphology and the evolution of the surface phases. We consider a
version of the Helfrich model for fluid- like vesicle membranes. To
solve the highly nonlinear, coupled system a new numerical method
is developed. This method combines the immersed interface method
to solve the flow equations, and the Laplace-Young jump conditions,
with the level-set method to represent and evolve the interface and a
non-stiff Eulerian algorithm to update the mass concentration on the
drop interface. Results are presented for vesicles where an initially
unstable mixture of the surface mass separates into distinct phases
which affect both the shape and dynamics.

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