Special Radon Semester on Computational Mechanics
Linz, October-December 2005
Abstract - A new formulation for the Boundary Element Tearing and Interconnecting method in linear elastostatics

Author: Günther Of

Title of the contribution: A new formulation for the Boundary Element Tearing and Interconnecting method in linear elastostatics

The Boundary Element Tearing and Interconnecting (BETI) methods have recently been introduced by Langer and Steinbach as boundary element counterparts of the well-established Finite Element Tearing and Interconnecting (FETI) methods. As domain decomposition methods, the BETI methods are efficient parallel solvers for large scale boundary element equations. The FETI and BETI preconditioners are robust with respect to jumps in the coefficients of the elliptic partial differential operator.

Here, the BETI method is used for problems in linear elastostatics. An efficient iterative solver is provided by a twofold saddle point formulation. Efficient preconditioners are used for the global system and the local boundary integral operators which are realized by the use of the Fast Multipole Method.

The treatment of floating subdomains, where the kernels of the local Steklov Poincare operators have to be eliminated by a stabilization and a global projection, is more difficult than in the case of the Laplacian. Therefore, a new all--floating formulation is presented for the BETI method. This formulation unifies and simplifies the treatment of the floating and non--floating subdomains. In the numerical examples, this formulation provides a faster solution than the standard BETI formulation.

This is a joint work with U. Langer, O. Steinbach, W.L. Wendland and W. Zulehner.

URL: www.ricam.oeaw.ac.at/specsem/sscm/srs_ev/difcome/program/abstracts/abstract_of.php

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