Special Radon Semester on Computational Mechanics
Linz, October-December 2005
Abstract - Parareal in time method : application to quantum control and multi-model simulation

Author: Yvon Maday

Title of the contribution: Parareal in time method : application to quantum control and multi-model simulation

The parareal in time algorithm allows for large speed up for the simulation of time dependant problem by the decomposition of the interval of propagation in time into slabs and the use of independent solution methods over each slab. This is done by choosing suitably the seed values at the beginning of each slab by through a coarse iterative method.

This algorithm allows to extend in the time direction the standard methodologies to parallel architectures that are becoming larger and larger and where the sole domain decomposition algorithms are not able to fill completely.

In this talk we shall present the basics of the parareal in time algorithm, and will explain how, by a proper choice of coarse grid propagators for the seed values and through combination with other iterative solution procedures such as domain decomposition methods or optimization procedures, the full efficiency can be obtained.

URL: www.ricam.oeaw.ac.at/specsem/sscm/srs_ev/difcome/program/abstracts/abstract_maday.php

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